Reading | Higher Education
"Diversity Fatigue is Real" by Mariam B. Lam
"The Structural Vulnerability of Doctoral Students: A Political and Ethical Issue for Doctoral Programs in Women's/Gender/Sexuality/Feminist Studies" by Kristina Gupta
"“The Whole Weight of the World on My Shoulders”: Power, Identity, and Student Activism" by Chris Linder, Stephen John Quaye, Terah J. Stewart, Wilson K. Okello, and Ricky Ericka Roberts
"Grad School Is Trash for Students of Color and We Should Talk About That" by Ciarra Jones
"On Graduate Admissions and Whiteness: A Love Letter to Black/ Brown/ Queer Graduate Students Out There Everywhere" by Carmen Kynard
"‘We especially welcome applications from members of visible minority groups’: reflections on race, gender and life at three universities" by Annette Henry
"Faculty women of color: The critical nexus of race and gender" by Caroline Sotello Viernes Turner, Juan Carlos González, and Kathleen Wong (Lau)
"Transcendence over Diversity: Black Women in the Academy" by Heidi Safia Mirza
"‘You end up doing the document rather than doing the doing’: Diversity, race equality and the politics of documentation" by Sara Ahmed
"The Language of Diversity" by Sara Ahmed
"Being a Black Academic in America" | A collection at the Chronicle of Higher Education
"Racial and Gender Microaggressions on a Predominantly-White Campus: Experiences of Black, Latina/o and White Undergraduates" by Janice McCabe